Friday, January 01, 2010

Welcome to 2010!!
I've pondered most of the day what to write on today's blog post, not that it has to be anything prophetic, but today is a good of day as any to make some plans for this year.
Now I'm not a big resolution person because as most of us know we usually fail our resolutions by March, but I do want to have some realistic goals to work for in this year.
1. Be more creative and try new things
1a. make 5-10 Christmas/All occasion cards a month (this way there is little stress in December)
1b. Start the two school albums for Kelly and Wyatt
1c. Take some classes whether for scrappin, quilting or photography
2. Be more active and lose some weight
2a. Maybe try and do the 35 miler in the El tour de Tucson
2b. Plan some walk around's and scavengers photo hunts with the kids
Now I have been wondering what word or words should I focus on for this year (a la Ali Edwards).
I feel that this year they should be patience and simplify
As a mother of 3 hellions these two words just seem to scream at me.
3. Put my goals, wishes and wants in writing or a picture and place where I can see them.
Maybe I should make myself a "want to do list" and put it up on my board.

Most of this week after Christmas I had this feeling that it was a time of renewal, and maybe that was because the stress of Christmas was over but I also looked around my home and I see so much clutter and work to be done. I so want order back in my life.
Many years ago I was a great list maker and goal setter. I have really gotten away from that and I feel that I have somewhat spiraled into chaos. I need to get rid of stuff, organize, and simplify.
So that is my goal.
Happy New Year!
May 2010 be a happy, healthy and prosperous year


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, 2010, it will probably take me a few weeks to get use to using that. A year that i hope good things, I'm not even going to do new year resolutions..we all know where they lead, soo I'll just say that I'm going to do my best by the people around me, let people I love know it and often, to be more open and available to those i love...yea, well that does sound like a new years resolution, oh well. I hope your new year is good and the hopes and dreams that you have come true.
