Yesterday I tried some different techniques trying to get more interaction shots. So this is me (of course) holding the camera extended in one arm and trying to get a shot of us. My arm got tired after a while and Chelsea seemed to be done also.
Now we move to last night where the older kids were in the shower and Chelsea was crying in the living room. I get up to get a drink and I hear the slip and thud of one of the kids falling in the shower. Next I hear Wyatt crying. I rush in to check on him and I find out that Kelly got mad at Wyatt, pushed him and Wyatt fell and chipped one of his front teeth. Poor boy cried for 45 minutes and didn't sleep well last night and this morning his gums are bruised around that tooth. We sat Kelly down and had a long talk about her actions lately and how violent she has been getting. Kelly is constantly yelling and hitting Wyatt whenever he gets in her way. So for every time she is mean she loses a priviledge. Dessert, movies, spending the night at grandmoms, toys taken away. Hopefully we will begin to see an attitude change.
The other night Kelly gave me a dirty look and stuck out her tongue at me because I said she couldn't watch a movie she had to do her homework. Well Rob saw it and proceeded to put a drop of hot sauce on her tongue. The next morning I caught her doing it again. So I couldn't get her to open her mouth so I rubbed hot sauce on her lips. So far we have had 24 hrs with no tongue in sight.
I guess this has been kind of a rough week. I hope this weekend is better.
Tomorrows my birthday, I really hope this week gets better.
Hello 33!