Kelly turned 7! Seven years since the day she was born. Sigh.
In some ways it all goes so fast and in others you can't wait for them to grow out of the next phase.
We threw a family party for the birthday girl and she got plenty of goodies. Movies, clothes, toys and a cd player.
We capped it all off by going into the back yard and spraying silly string on each other.
Toward the end of the silly string war Rob was the biggest casualty.
Mom decided to go all out in the cake department this time and Kelly got the cool castle cake. Of course I've always been partial to cakes with figures because I used to collect them, and the kids like to play with them.
So pre birthday party we stopped by Sonic to have a bite of lunch. Took us forever to decide what to order and when we finally pushed the button to place our order, they never answered!!
(On a side note, they didn't answer the lady next to us either and she left too. It was probably faulty boxes but in the long run it worked in our favor, by saving money)
So my mojo came back. I have almost completed one gift and I'm off in a few to go buy the backing to the next gift.
I'm enjoying quilting, but I have other projects that I need to work on also.
Some I should be able to post pictures for.
Last night was girl scouts and again Kelly had a great time.
On Monday we picked up her vest and patches so last night before meeting I snapped a couple of pictures of her. She has grown and changed so much since school started this year. More confident, more into her own. I'm very proud of her, and I tell her so.
Can you believe she pulled out another tooth?
It was a bit wiggly Sunday night by Monday when I picked her up from school that tooth was history!
The tooth fairy dropped off a couple of bucks to her which she promptly put in her crayon bank.
I swear this kid has more money than I do just by loosing teeth!
Kelly has started to inspect Wyatt's teeth for any loose ones. Lord help him if he lets his sister get in there.
Off to the quilt store and then JoAnns!