Thursday, October 12, 2006

mundane to exciting

okay so yesterday I felt like total crap. it had to have been allergies because today I feel 100% better.
So today i took the kids to Lakeside park to play at the playground and feed the ducks. I would have loved to have taken some pictures of the kids feeding said ducks but my children refused. Kelly got mad because she couldn't throw the bread very far and refused to try. Wyatt took the piece I gave him and instead of throwing it, he ate it. So I enjoyed feeding the ducks.
While we were at Lakeside Wyatt fell on the rope bridge and scraped up his chin and his gum was bleeding a little. got this shot after he calmed down and went back to play. I was trying to zoom in enough to see the marks but you know two yr olds, they don't sit still for long.

I decided that we should try out that park that has the gazebo I've been talking about. Well here it is.
I really like their playground too. the kids had some fun on it and then we headed over to check out the gazebo.

This is going to be a perfect spot for photo shoots. I just wish my kids were more obedient. I couldn't get either to pose if I begged, pleaded or promised. so I just tried to wait them out and I think I got a great shot of Kelly. I'm gonna crop the top off a little but I declare it "Carrie Worthy" of the family portrait wall. I am very excited when I uploaded the picture and saw it with a little shock that I felt it was a good picture. this is so Kelly right now. angry and defiant and oh so stubborn. I also found a cool setting on my camera that I understand better and was using it when I got this shot. Kudos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kiddo,
I love the gazebo, and that is a great picture of the kids. They say patience is a virtue, well even after all these years I still have to work on that one myself.

Love to all
