Thursday, October 26, 2006

i hate going to the doctor

So i finally went to the doctor this morning. my doctor does same day appointments. call at 8am or after 12 and you should be able to get in that day. so i called and got in at 9am. I had to get back X- rays. yeah with 2 kids in tow who were NOT being very good. Whats also cool is that she emails my prescription while I'm still in her office so that they are supposed to be ready when i get to walgreens. i say supposed to because our walgreens takes 2 hrs+ to fill a prescription. Any whoo I got me 500mg of naproxen for anti-inflammatory and 500mg of methocarbamol for muscle relaxant. I don't hurt right now. yes i know this doesn't make me better. i got a lecture about how i'm going to have to be careful about my back and do stretches and walking to help keep it streched out. oh yeah and i need to be more careful at work.
so that was $40 bucks i really didn't have and kelly goes to the doctor tomorrow for the rest of her shots. yikes!!!!.
to add to my whine, the van won't start and rob thinks it could be the starter. he is out right now trying to fix it. plus i need to make apple bread for the fund raiser and kelly has eaten almost every apple. i have enough to make one loaf of bread. i swear that kid is addicted.
SSSOOO how do you like the new look. i was playing around and thought to give this look a whirl???
Oh wait it THURSDAY!!! Ugly Betty and Greys Anatomy!!AAAAAHHHH
the one day all week i'm excited for.
have a nice evening, with all the drugs i know i will be comfortable. :) C


Anonymous said...

hey there!! Didn't I tell you to go get some aleve?? That is Naproxen? I hope you are feeling better.

I like the new look...going to check out your inspiration sites now!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kiddo,
Seems like all of us are having Dr. visits--mine went like this: you need to take it easy, do less sweeping, mopping and vacuuming--yeh, like thats going to happen. I guess the rotor cup is giving out, not on just one but on both, but go figure my left is worse and I'm right handed--oh well.

I really hope your back gets better, it seems that it doesn't take much to kick it out. So please be careful

Love to you all ( and guess what I'm going to do here shortly--go get candy) now if I can keep the guys out of it-that will be good.
