Wednesday, November 08, 2006

before and after

okay so i dropped off kelly this morning and wyatt and i headed to Big Lots. i always get my bins there. it took 2, 30 liter bins for both of the kids' clothes. i cleaned out drawers and tons of bags and it is now organized in labeled bins. of course since i don't have any storage space right now they are in kelly's closet but it's all cleaned up right? isn't it what i wanted? yes sir e bob! am i happy? HELL YES!!!!
now it's time to start working on my scrap room. i think i will do before and after pictures for that too. you will be shocked, its that bad.
* so did some research and mom is double checking for me but i may be able to take a credited class at the community college for digi photography. i'm not looking for a degree just a few courses. we shall see.
*I love this picture of wyatt man. he is really into sitting in the clothes basket right now. he is such a character, goes full steam ahead and you better get out of his way. can't get that boy to sit still for a minute.
* so thank you Julie for your call this morning. I'm going to hit up the for some cleaning routines and see all that she offers.
* to everyone thankyou for caring. i know we all go thru tough times and that one just came to the surface.
Just a FYI i usually don't read your comments until after i finish my next post.
So reading Kristie's comment hit me even harder because i know she is having a rough go of it. Oh and thanks Kris for the email that hit the spot and had me teary eyed.
My thoughts and prayers are seriously going out to you all. anything i can do, even from far away please let me know.
" a friend is a person with whom i may be sincere. before him, i may think aloud" ralph waldo emerson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's sunday, and have spent a couple of hours working on the yard--oh how I wish I could just wiggle my nose and everything would be done, but whoa is me-thats not going to happen. Yesterday when I was watching the kids, Wyatt disappeared, and where might you ask did I find him--but in your large laundry basket, he was totally out of view--he is such a character, and he can make me laugh so much at his antics.