Wyatt is taking a nap on the couch and Kelly is sick on the love seat. The sickness started last night with a 102 fever and today we have a slight fever and an ear infection. Sweet hubby Rob gave up his half of the bed last night so that Kelly could sleep with me and I could keep a watch on her fever if it decided to return.
Poor Rob, today is his 37th birthday and he is still getting over being sick. Just mostly coughing now.
*A Funny* Rob said that he set the alarm on his cell phone to remind him of all birthdays. Well he also put himself in there, but when he did he put in the wrong age!! Thankfully it was for a year younger, but the poor guy can't remember his own age!! The mind is already fading.
Also tonight my brother Mike is getting baptised. So cool and going to be soooo cold. Rob will be doing the baptisim in Mike's pool, with NO heat on. Yes, it will be fast.
I'll post pictures tomorrow.
Today is Sunday,and my bug (Kelly) is still not feeling great. She is all curled up under a blanket watching tv and you can tell that she is having a hard time of it. I hope she gets better soon..
Hey they finally put something in the paper yesterday about Brian, and no services were planned. We kind of figured that, didn't we? Well anyway, take care, hope everybody gets better soon.
Love ya
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