The Phoenix zoo is pretty darn cool. It was so much bigger than I remembered. The kids had a great time and they did fantastic.
We arrived at 9:30 and people were pouring in, but it never felt crowded. We had been expecting all week to have a chance of showers but the skies were clear and the weather was perfect.
What is so cool is that you can bring in your own coolers and anything else you want, they have several picnic areas and plenty of rest benches.
Okay so I can't say enough good
things about this zoo.
We went into Monkey village, and there were all these cinnamon squirrel monkey's free to roam. You are asked not to pet them and to try and stay at least 3 feet away. There were times when that was hard to do as the little guys would cross right in front of you.
My other favorite was of the Orangutan exhibit. It is still in it's early stages but the zoo has two females and big male and a juevenile that was too darn cute. I have better pictures of him but I haven't edited
yet so this is the one you get.
The zoo had so many varieties of monkeys that it was cool because the guys were scattered all over the place.
I really wish we could have spent two days there because by the time you get through all of it the bigger boys were taking their naps or we should have went to that side first. Oh well live and learn and there is always next time.
Chelsea had a great time and was a great baby, this kid loves being outside and seeing all the cool stuff.
I was of course on camera duty and after getting home and uploading all 300 photos I must say I suck.
(Sidenote) Rob says I'm too hard on myself but I say the truth is the truth.
Lots and I mean LOTS of the photos were blurry. I was bitterly disappointed. There were so many that I thought turned out and I was excited about to come home and find out they were blurry, well dang it it
sucked hardcore.
Funny story- I see this guy taking pictures with gear. By this I mean good camera and pro lenses. I strike up and conversation with him and he gives me a couple of tips to get photos through the wire and he showed me the results. This guy was super nice and I asked if that was the 100-400 lens and he said yes and I said oh a 5D his reply was yeah the new Mark II. So we talk for another minute and I head back to the family.
So fancy running into the same stranger about four months later and he was just as friendly as before.
We left at 4:30 that afternoon and went over to Hobby Lobby, grabbed some In-N-Out for dinner and got
back to Tucson at 9:30!!
Woke up Sunday and we skipped church to just relax and now, today life is back to normal doing laundry and cleaning up.
Rob and I have been told by a couple of people that we need to go to some wild animal safari that is also in Phoenix. I'm going to check it out.
I better
and get busy. Have a great day.
1 comment: was so fun at the zoo, while we were able to take it slow this time, I was able to really enjoy and look, that was the best. Last fall when Carrie and I did the MS walk, not only did you not have alot of time, but I was also sick...but this time was great and for me one of the best parts was being able to pet the stingrays and the sharks....what a blast!!!!!!
So between the kids enjoying themselves, Wyatt keeping his map out at all times wanting to know where we were at on the map, Kelly grumping a little bit..she was getting tired and her feet hurt ( now does that sound familiar)Chelsea being a wonderful little could not ask for much better. So now I'm ready for the other zoo that we heard about!!!
I will say this, and I know it may sound corny, but it is the truth...cherish the time you have with your family and loved ones, time is just too blasted short in the scheme of things. Most of you know the type of schedule I have right now, and sometimes I don't get to see the kids except on church on Sunday, BUT I will be done this after this summer..hopefully, and I will then be able to enjoy myself more..yeehaw.
I can defintely recommend the PHX Zoo, be able to take your time and enjoy, it will be a day you won't forget
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