Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bring it On!!

So Julie was teasing me a few minutes ago about updating the ol' blog and I issued a challenge. Who will blog the most from now until Friday? It doesn't have to be anything specific but it can't be just a sentence either.

I figure I will win. Ha Ha Ha (insert very evil laugh)

With how much time I spend on the computer, this should be easy.

Of course it also sets me up for why don't I blog as much if I AM at the computer so much.

Maybe this will make me a better blogger, ya know like when I first started.

So I was lurking on the cricut messageboard and saw a cool Father's Day card. That led to a couple of ideas for a card to make for my dad. I will get cracking later because tonight is our home church group (moved from Thursdays to Tuesday's) and I don't forsee much free time.

I also need to make sample cards for a presentation that mom has to give on Friday and use those cards at our Ladies night this coming Monday.

Hey anyone want to come to Ladies night? Food, drink, conversation and crafting or conversation, or learn a new craft, or conversation. You know us women, we like to talk. And hey there is booze if we want it.

And since almost every post for me has to have a photo. Random shot taken Saturday.
It's a struggle to get Wyatt to actually look at the camera, he would rather look at the tv, but the sticker is constantly asking to either take the shot or have me take it.
Photo taken by Kelly


Julie G. said...

Don't you know how competitive I am??? Silly girl....

Anonymous said...

Ok girls...play nice.

So Julie...thank you. There have been times that Carrie has not blogged in weeks..Weeks, not good, especially when i love to look at these.
Carrie has agreed to help me with my presentation this week, she cracks me up. I will sincerely try to do most the work myself, but it's hard, she has all the talent.
So, I'm opting out on Ladies night. too much homework. Won't be able to use that excuse much longer...oh yea!!!!! Almost done..whew.
Hey Kelly...nice job taking the picture, you did real good, someday you'll be better than your mom
To near and far, my thought, love and prayers go out, stay safe everyone.