Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You know I don't actually plan on posting only on Wednesday's but it seems to be a recurring theme. In my mind I'm posting daily if not every other day. I should really try to make that a reality.
As I was looking at what photos to upload I also realized that I haven't taken any in days. Life has just been that crazy busy.
So starting today I will be picking up my camera because A) I need to take more pictures and B) Kelly has a cloud report to do and we need to take cloud pictures.

This is a bad shot but this is a basket that I spray painted a sun yellow the other day. The Kleenex box fits in there perfectly.
Happy Hump day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, yeh its kind of weird not seeing new posts.
Like the basket, color turned out a little darker, probably due to the fabric of the basket...still like it. Kudos to you daughter, hope you continue to have fun playing with your paints.
