Most mornings when I get up I head out my front door to see what kind of sunrise might be in store.
I love the quiet of the morning, those 15-20 minutes where the house is quiet and it's just Rob and myself awake, well Braxton too.
Some morning we have our quiet time with God, others we just sit and talk and sometimes we turn on the TV. Whatever way we go its a nice way start to the day.
Fall has officially begun and we are finally getting the nicer temps this week that makes it feel more like fall. My hope for this weekend is to get up the few Halloween decorations up.
The last 10 years we have used my mom's decorations because where she was living she didn't need them. We always set up something kinda spooky here and mom has dressed as a witch and handed out the candy.
This year is going to be different because mom now has a house in a neighborhood and she can trick it out like nobodies business.
This leaves us with some choices. Are we going to hand out candy? And where are we going to trick or treat? My biggest problem has already been taken care of and that's getting the kids costumes.
The couple of Halloween decorations I have put up are not scary at all and yet Chelsea is asking me to take them down. Chelsea loves the idea of dressing up and candy but wants nothing to do with anything scary and that's what most of my meager decorations are.
I may just have to go and make something cutesy that will satisfy both of us.
I have been working in my scraproom and trying to get things put away so that I can start creating. I do have some things that I need to cut out and I'm already getting started on my Christmas cards.
<---Those are my bar stools that I picked up for $4.00 a piece. I plan on keeping one in my craft room and one in the kitchen. The kids have loved having the stools around because they can scoot one up to the computer desk while the other kid is on the computer and watch them.
I have also started working on Christmas presents for the families, which puts my projects on the back burner. I see all these great ideas and make plans to complete them and then...I start having second thoughts. My biggest worry is that they won't like the item that I made. I know that this is something most crafters worry about so I try my hardest to overcome my mental objections.
I need to start making lists of gifts and ideas for each person so that I'm a little better organized and not wasting any time and money.
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