Friday, November 04, 2011

This year we celebrated Halloween at my mom's house. We have always heard it was a great neighborhood for trick or treaters so mom was all excited.
Sadly her little street is off the beaten path and she had very few kids come around.
We are told some years it is hit or miss and we all wanted this year to be a hit.
The kiddos all got so much candy. Each kid had a bucket and Rob carried three extra bags that when the bucket got to heavy to carry they could dump it into the bag and keep going.
I'm wondering if people felt bad that the kids didn't have a lot of candy because once they got home those extra bags were half full and heavy.
The kids had a great time and we only went up and down three streets but there was a lot of walking involved.
By the end of our time Chelsea was asking to be carried from house to house. On the way home all three kids fell asleep and we still needed to wash out the color hairspray from the girls' hair.
We started our fun at 6pm and stopped at 8pm then we drove home, showered and all kids were in bed crashed out by 9pm.
I really don't think I need to say whom each kid is trying to be, but I will say that Chelsea has worn her costume every day since and is currently wearing it right now.
The rest of this week has been pretty normal, though we have added a new family routine. Every Thursday evening we have gone on a family bike ride. The big kids are really enjoying themselves and getting better at riding their bikes. We only do about 3 miles and that is pushing it for Wyatt right now.
Maybe on one of these rides I can bring the camera and try to take some shots while riding.
This morning when Rob was leaving for work he called to me and suggested I get the camera ready. The sky was looking like it might be a pretty sunrise. 30 minutes later the pinks and oranges were spreading like fire across the sky. God is such an amazing artist and it was nice to stop and watch the day come alive.
The weather forecast is saying cloudy, windy and maybe some rain this weekend so hopefully that would make for some beautiful sunsets too. There is so much beauty to photograph this time of year and I'm trying to capture as much as possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea, I was talking to one of my church members and he told me that they had over 200 trick or that is what I'm talking about, that's what I want.
So next year I'll try to get the word out.
The kids were so cute, Wyatt came up to me and asked me if I could guess who he was, after giving him some false guesses, I said "Mario" and he laughed. Kids, you got to love them.
I try to keep an eye on the sky this time of the year because it can be especially beautiful, and your right God does have a very special touch with the art brush, and what a gift to see.

Off to work, have a very special week everyone.
