Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I have been thinking about my last post. Come to find out I had both strep and tonsillitis and an ear infection. Oh yeah, can't forget the fever that lasted for 3 days. That was one of the worst 6 days I've had in a long time.
I finished my last dose of antibiotics Monday morning and I'm feeling so much better.
That's great news because this week has been almost insanely busy.
Yesterday was slightly nuts; the truck was put in to get the brakes done, so I had to rely on my mother in law for transportation, thank you Inez. Rob got stuck on the highway for a couple of hours because of a semi truck fire. He had planned on being home around 4, he didn't get home until 6:30. We had open house at school and cub scouts. Today isn't shaping up to be any easier. Wyatt is having two teeth removed this morning, he gets his palate expander next month, then after school Kelly is getting a shot and yearly physical. We will pick up Chelsea from school and then we go to the orthodontist to get Kelly's palate expander checked. The kids and I will come to home to Rob for a quick dinner before heading back to scouts for recruiting and paint rain gutter regatta boats. Can't forget all the homework that has to be done!
I feel like I'm swirling in mass chaos right now. I feel that if I can't get a handle on every body's needs and schedules, everything is just going to fall apart.
Lately, I tend to feel very overwhelmed and out of control. Wyatt has mass amounts of homework and right now getting him to focus is like pulling teeth. It has come down to it that the TV cannot be on while anyone is doing homework. For us it means that the TV is rarely on. We like our TV, but it is also hard for the last person doing homework, because the other kids get to play while that one person is still working.
I know all this will iron out and become our new norm but right now it is a very uncomfortable adjustment period.
One thing that has helped me over the last week is being able to get a little bit of crafting done. I had to make a recruitment poster for cub scouts, Rob needed a new cross for his journal and Kelly was wanting Hello Kitty on her binder for school. It felt really good to be able to make something.
I have also come to the realization that I have got to start purging some stuff. I think subconsciously that is part of my problem, living in chaos and clutter. If I can clean that up then I might feel a little bit better, right now it just feels never ending and I don't have the want or drive to accomplish the tasks. I'll eventually snap out of it and get it done. Hopefully sooner rather than later.



Treaz said...

I can be the recipient of your purging LOL

Anonymous said...

Well daughter, I can honestly say I'm right there with you. I have got to get this painting done, because the chaos is literally driving me nuts. A lot to do and to get done. Not too mention the get prepared, because you are going to get boxes handed to you to start going through. Sorry..but I have to get a handle on all of this.
I'm so glad that you are feeling better. because it sure is hard running a household and being sick.
Love you kiddo