I have no excuse... and the laundry can wait
A week ago Saturday, Wyatt celebrated his 9th birthday. It's completely cliché, but my goodness where has the time gone.
This kid is truly amazing and I don't think we have really even scratched the surface. His imagination can go off the charts and he can go from bouncing off the walls to cuddled up next to you in just a few heart beats.
This birthday, I think Wyatt got pretty much everything he wanted; video games and Pokémon cards.
The best part of the whole party?
Every one's creative way on disguising his gifts. Aunt Amanda wrapped his gift 3 times. First she wrapped a shoe box, inside the box was another wrapped granola bar box and then he unwrapped his game.
When it came time to open Grandma Ross' gift she had all the clothing on top, then some Pokémon cards and then there was a shoebox, Wyatt opened it and inside were a pair of grandma's shoes! Under the shoes, hidden in tissue paper was another Wii game that Wyatt had been asking for.
When Wyatt opened up Nina's present it was just a card, he looked up a little surprised and then mom handed him his game.
The boy took it all in stride and told us how silly we all are. Hey, it's a family trait, the boy is bound to get it.
In typical Wyatt fashion I could NOT get him to pause long enough to look toward the camera. At one point he was holding up his card and I asked him to freeze and look at me. That was the only clear shot I got out him.
So crazy, I love this guy.
Here are some interesting things about Wyatt at age 9:
He is addicted to video games whether it is on his DS, Wii or the computer. During the summer he is only allowed a certain time frame to play one or the other, and during school he can only play on weekends.
Wyatt likes to watch Adventure Time, Really Real show, Scooby Doo, Harry Potter and Star Wars.
This boy is still my earliest riser, he is usually up by 5:30 and raring to go.
He is finally willing to try new foods and has found that he likes ranch beans.
It's still comical
to watch his expression as he is tasting something new. Afterwards we ask him if he liked it and he will reply, yeah, but when you ask if he would like more we usually get a, no thank you.
This year Wyatt will be entering the 4th grade at Kellond elementary and will be participating in the GATE program.
Also this year, he will be a first year Webelos in cub scouts.
Two more years and he will be headed off to Boy Scouts if he chooses, which we hope he does.
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