Sunday, January 07, 2018


 This week has been a emotional roller coaster.
I've made a commitment to myself to be more positive, to be more grateful for the things that transpire in my life. That positive commitment has been challenged and like most people would I didn't like how I reacted.
We began a new contract at work and our raise, for the foreseeable next 5 years is 13 cents. Wasn't what any of us were expecting. Having to deal with the disappointment and co workers complaining hasn't helped the negative feelings that already exude from some of my co workers. Trying very hard not to fall into that trap.
My other trigger came yesterday when we went to our Girl Scout cookie kickoff.
The lines for the activities and narrow space in which to maneuver, with bitchy type A moms just put me in a hyper critical mood. Of course then started the self bashing, which thankfully I quickly nixed.
I took it to God, asked for forgiveness and asked myself why it bothers me so much. That is something I'm still processing.
I didn't take my frustrations out on people but I complained about everything. I don't like when I become that person and all I can do is continue to grow and be better.

This first week of the new year is over and I am doing very well on my goals. Here's to staying strong and making myself proud.

Our Christmas Amaryllis has bloomed and was so pretty, I really liked the variegated pink instead of the traditional red.
This week the kids go back to school, scouts starts back up and cookie season starts Saturday, and I'm also planning on working some overtime to help pay for my shed. Plans are moving forward and shifting too. Instead of 12x20, it may be 16x16. Thankfully Rob is getting on board answering all my questions and giving me even more ideas.
I'm getting very excited.
Here's to continued growth, consistent blogging, and beauty around every corner.

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